Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Library Need to Know

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Book Check-Out

The last day for book check-out will be April 20th (for students)!

All Library Books will be due May 4th (for students)!

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Starting May 7th, I will start sending notices home twice a week with overdue and late books.

***Please make sure students understand they will not get their report cards without taking care of overdue and lost books***

Explore Your Library

Tuesday, April 17th I will be hosting a get to know your library event after school from 3:45-4:45. 
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This event will have different stations for you to visit, a small scavenger hunt, as well as prizes and treats (you know I never forget those)!

***Once you have read this post, comment with something you would like to learn about the library or our library digital resources for a chance to win a prize***

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