Monday, May 8, 2017

Week at a Glance: May 8th-12th

Don't forget to check your timecard by going to this website:    Don't forget...yellow forms, if absent last week, are due to Ms. Dailey by Tuesday morning.  (Log-in is ID badge # and last 4 digits of SS#)  If there are any mistakes, e-mail Ms. Dailey and cc: Ms. Schuler, so corrections can be made.

3rd & 4th grade Math STAAR Test
3rd & 4th grade Reading STAAR Test
IOWA/Logramos Test Training (all grade levels- conference times)

3rd & 4th grade PICNIC

Continue Summatives
Please verify your employee attendance WEEKLY
UNIVERSAL SCREENING (all screening must be completed during rotation)
Attendance MUST be taken each day at 9:30 am
All Anchor Charts need to be organized by subject and neatly arranged.  
Please make sure charts are relevant to the unit of study.

Lesson plans must …
be in Eduphoria by 7:15 AM Monday
…include authentic hands on activities.
…all bulletin boards must be up and
relevant to instruction.
….classroom libraries must be organized
by topic, category and interest
Upcoming Events

May 1st-25th       Final IRL/Oral Reading Rate
May 15-19th          BOGO Book Fair
                               4th grade IOWA/Logramos Testing
May 15th                2nd grade Field Trip (7 Acres Woods)
May 16-18th        1st grade IOWA/Logramos Testing
May 18th              Campus Math Test (1st thru 4th)
May 19th              Social Studies Writing Prompt
                               Science Test (1st-4th)
May 19, 22-23      3rd grade IOWA/Logramos Testing
May 24th              3rd & 4th grade Career Day
May 24-26           2nd grade IOWA/Logramos Testing
May 25th              4th grade Awards Ceremony- 8:30 am
May 26th              All Data Must be in eSchool
May 29th              Memorial Day- No School
May 30th              3rd grade Awards Ceremony- 1:00 pm
May 31st               2nd grade Awards Ceremony- 8:30 am
June 1st                LAST DAY OF INSTRUCTION/Report
                                Cards go home
June 2nd              Teacher Workday
Staff Birthdays                                                                      

Eric Turner- May 10th
Teri Roberts- May 20th
Mrs. Kathy Hughey- May 25th

                         Is your birthday this week or coming up? Email Mrs. Glass to let her know!

This week’s WISE Thought:

1 comment:

  1. Steinbeis india provides training in Solar. Solar training and Placement program covers Power Situation in India, System Design and System sizing(off-grid systems), Off grid Installation, On-Grid Installtion, O & M and System Design using PV Syst Software
