Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Our FINAL Week at a Glance for the 2016-17 School Year!

Don't forget to check your timecard by going to this website:    Don't forget...yellow forms, if absent last week, are due to Ms. Dailey by Tuesday morning.  (Log-in is ID badge # and last 4 digits of SS#)  If there are any mistakes, e-mail Ms. Dailey and cc: Ms. Schuler, so corrections can be made.

Memorial Day
School Holiday

1st grade Awards Program
8:30 am

3rd grade Awards Program 1:30 pm

2nd grade Awards Program
8:30 am
Last Day of Instruction
Report Cards go home

Mrs. Grimage’s Retirement Celebration
Teacher Workday
7:40 am

NO personal items may stored in classroom
*including fish
Please verify your employee attendance WEEKLY
Attendance MUST be taken each day at 9:30 am

Lesson plans must …
be in Eduphoria by 7:15 AM Monday
…include authentic hands on activities.
…all bulletin boards must be up and
relevant to instruction.
….classroom libraries must be organized
by topic, category and interest
Upcoming Events


Staff Birthdays                                                                      

                         Is your birthday this week or coming up? Email Mrs. Glass to let her know!

This week’s WISE Thought:


Friday, May 19, 2017

This Week at a Glance: May 22nd-26th

Don't forget to check your timecard by going to this website:    Don't forget...yellow forms, if absent last week, are due to Ms. Dailey by Tuesday morning.  (Log-in is ID badge # and last 4 digits of SS#)  If there are any mistakes, e-mail Ms. Dailey and cc: Ms. Schuler, so corrections can be made.


4th Grade Awards REHEARSAL
(ancillary time)

Parker visit: 4th grade ONLY 8:30 am Cafeteria

Report Card Pull 1 at 4:30 pm
4th Grade Awards REHEARSAL
(ancillary time)

Science answer documents DUE

Curriculum Meeting ELA teachers (book bag, writing folder)

Report Card Pull 2 at 4:30 pm

VEAC Meeting Follow-up 3:45 pm
Room 301
Technology Inventory Sheets are DUE to Mrs. Glass

4th grade Awards Program 8:30 am

FINAL IRL Oral Reading Rate Window Closes

GPC Meeting 4:00 PM (Select personnel)

All IRL Data MUST BE in eSchool

3rd and 4th grade Career Day

Awards Day Rehearsal (look for schedule)
SLO Update in BFK Grow
Final IRL/Oral Reading Rate Window
Please verify your employee attendance WEEKLY
Attendance MUST be taken each day at 9:30 am
All Anchor Charts need to be organized by subject and neatly arranged.  
Please make sure charts are relevant to the unit of study.

Lesson plans must …
be in Eduphoria by 7:15 AM Monday
…include authentic hands on activities.
…all bulletin boards must be up and
relevant to instruction.
….classroom libraries must be organized
by topic, category and interest
Upcoming Events

May 29th              Memorial Day- No School
May 30th              3rd grade Awards Ceremony- 1:00 pm
May 31st               2nd grade Awards Ceremony- 8:30 am
June 1st                LAST DAY OF INSTRUCTION/Report
                                Cards go home
June 2nd              Teacher Workday

Staff Birthdays                                                                      

Teri Roberts- May 20th
Kathy Hughey- May 25th

                         Is your birthday this week or coming up? Email Mrs. Glass to let her know!

This week’s WISE Thought:

Thursday, May 18, 2017

C.H.I.C.K.E.N. Skate Night

Invite you to join us for C.H.I.C.K.E.N. SKATE NIGHT
Great Time Skate
Thursday, May 18, 2017
From 5:30- 7:30
LOCATION: 14417 Aldine Westfield Rd., Houston, TX 77039

TICKETS: $4.50 per student

SNAAP Social

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Title I Communicating with Parents

As an early childhood educator, parents are entrusting you with their precious babies. In doing so, you are expected to wear many hats– a coach, a mediator, and a teacher to name a few. But probably the most important role you have is as a communicator. You need to be a good communicator with your students and peers, but maybe most importantly with parents. While this can be a daunting task, approaching communication through a variety of avenues is manageable and makes all the difference in strengthening your partnership with parents.
Beginning of the Year Parent Communication
Letter of introduction – This may be the simplest one, but is often overlooked. Before school starts, send a letter to your students families introducing yourself and welcoming them to your class. What is your teaching experience, your teaching philosophy, your expectations of students and parents? Share a little about your personal life too—your family and hobbies are a good place to start. Include a picture if possible. Putting a face with a name will help ease those first day jitters.
Home visits – If you have the time, home visits can be the most powerful way of getting to know your students and families and laying the groundwork for good communication. Offer the option to families so you can meet on “their home turf.” Optimally this would occur before school starts, but some families may be wary about inviting you into their home before they have established a relationship with you. There shouldn’t be an agenda for the brief visit (under 30 minutes), but you might ask the child to show you his/her room and consider taking a family picture during your visit which can be used in the classroom later.
Meet the Teacher/Orientation – Most schools offer some sort of meet the teacher before school starts, but my favorite is having separate ones for the parents and the children. Invite parents for their own orientation during the evening. If they’ve already received your letter of introduction, this is the optimal time to go more in depth about the curriculum, schedule, and goals. Make sure you include expectations for communication! How can they best reach you? Should they expect daily, weekly or monthly written communication from you in the form of a newsletter? How quickly should they expect an email response from you? Remember, they are entrusting their babies in your care and they want to know everything!
In addition to an orientation for parents, an orientation for children is a MUST! If possible, schedule small groups to come visit the class during small time blocks varying with age. Given them a tour of the classroom and then let them explore or interact with the other children. During this time, you might also have a special art activity or the give them the opportunity to pick their nametag or cubby.
Phone Conferences – After the first month or so of school, share a phone conversation with the parents of your students. You have been observing and getting to know their children and this is a good time to share some early observations. It is a great time to listen to the parents; to find out how their goals for their child for the school year. Certainly, these types of conferences can (and should) take place anytime through out the year, but I’ve found this early one to be instrumental in building the parent-teacher relationship.
Parent Communication Throughout the Year
Newsletters – Newsletters have always been a great form of communication and nothing has changed there. What may have changed is the avenue through which you share your newsletter. Remind parents of upcoming events, share parenting tips, and include pictures of children at school. Rarely do I print newsletters anymore. Now, they are emailed and posted to the website. What a great way to save time, money, and the environment!
Class or School Website – In the 21st century, the first place we head for information is our electronic devices. Having basic information available online is a great way to communicate with parents while also marketing yourself and your school to prospective parents. If you share pictures of students, make sure you have parent permission and refrain from using last names if you have captions.
In addition to our school website which has basic information for the community, our main communication tool is MemberHub. This is the one, secure place teachers and parents can find everything for our school. From the calendar to newsletters to class photo albums, you name it it’s here. I can also send short announcements (via email or text message) to parents reminding them to turn in picture orders or bring in show ‘n tell.
Notes or Calls Home – Have you ever received the dreaded note home from school? Sometimes you have no other choice to share an issue with parents. When you must do so, make sure you sandwich the not so good news with something positive both before and after. And even better yet, is to get into the habit of sending positive notes home. If you are in the practice of communicating with parents through “just because” positive notes, then if you have to share the negative news the parents might be more receptive to hearing it. When you only communicate bad news, parents tend to tune out!
Social Media – While you may occasionally find a family without a computer or email address, this is definitely the exception rather than the norm. In this information age, you have to meet parents where they are. Take advantage of the technology and communicate with parents via Twitter, Facebook and blogs.
End of Year Parent Communication
Conferences – While fall phone conferences help build rapport between parent and teacher and we might communicate electronically on a frequent basis, face-to-face conferences are still a must. This is a great time to share your observations along with student samples and suggestions for home activities to support the child’s growth an development.
Thank You Notes – Why should you be thanking parents? You might think it should be the other way around. Thank parents for the opportunity to learn and grow with their children. Even for those challenging students (and sometimes especially for those challenging students), a note of thanks goes a long way.
I’ll leave you with a few final words of advice: be positive (you get more of what you focus on), think before you speak (take a deep breath before speaking or writing when upset) and be careful with email (great for a quick response or update, but also easy to be misinterpreted). While doing all of these may seem daunting at first, pick and choose what works for you and you’ll be on the way to completing the puzzle of effective parent communication. It will ultimately make your job easier and parents will appreciate it too!

About the Author

This is a guest blog post from Beth Dickinson. Beth spent five years teaching primary grades in public school before having children. She has spent eight years as a preschool director including the last six years as the Director at Hayes Barton Baptist Preschool in Raleigh, NC.

End of the Year Technology Checklist and MORE!

Hey all!

It’s time to begin the technology inventory for Greenspoint Elementary. I hope this will be a light process with a smooth transition to the summer!

Here’s what I need from each of you. Below you will find a chart with the inventory sheets by your grade level. You will have to complete two separate sheets(can be found BELOW)--one for the chromebooks and the other for all remaining technology in your classroom. Please fill it out completely.

Here's a video how-to guide along with the presentation as your guide!

The inventory sheet is in Google Sheets and their is a sheet already created for each classroom. This is not listed by teacher but my CLASSROOM #.  

You will need to include the model of the device, the serial # and the district asset tag. (images of each of these are located below.) If it doesn’t have an asset #, please place n/a in the field. I will add them to the devices)

As you complete each sheet, complete the following steps:
  1. Click on the sheet (anywhere)
  2. Click the comments tab in the upper right-hand side of the Google Sheet.
  3. Click comment to add a comment.
  4. Type +Shaina Glass and leave me the comment “Done”
    1. This will send me a notification to check your inventory.

Once you have completed these steps, I will print your inventory sheet, laminate it, and return it to you so a copy can be placed in your current classroom. This will be taped to the outside of the closet closest to the teacher desk.

The Mobile Device Inventory Sheet (Chromebook/iPad) will be taped to the top of the Chromebook/iPad Cart.

Important Dates to remember for Technology:

Wednesday, May 24th
BOTH Technology Inventory Sheets must be completed
Thursday, June 1st(after dismissal)
Document Camera (Lumens) must be turned into Mrs. Glass.
You can schedule to turn this in earlier than this day. Email Mrs. Glass when you are ready to turn it in.
All Mobile Devices and Carts --these must be turned in by this date (scheduled by grade level)
Friday, June 2nd
When you are ready for your room to be checked, please complete this form to get added to the list. You will be checked out in the order in which you submit your request. This is to check all devices, cords/cables and accessories stored in your classroom

  Inventory Sheets by Hallway/Room
Link to your Classroom Inventory Sheet
Link to your Mobile Device Inventory Sheet  
Ancillary/Speciality Rooms
Office Areas
Not Applicable


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